Tuesday 18 December 2018

Don't Break your Heart

He Break my Heart...
She Break my Heart...

Listen to me friend, your heart belong to you and it need to be guided.
Emotional downfall kills more than AID.
Don't ever put 100% hope into a relationship. Relationship is like black market, its may be good and maybe bad. I like the saying DO YOUR BEST AND LEAVE THE REST.

Tell yourself these words;  am complete, I don't need anybody to complete me.

The more you realize you are complete, the more you escape heart broke. 
love yourself and enjoy living.
You will only feel bad when you see people as Alpha and Omega.

Image result for believe in yourself image
Believe in your ability and never stop working to achieve success in life, you will find your self on a level that you will have lots of options to pick from.

 when someone you love choose to leave;
1.  Don't stay in a boring environment.
     you will feel much pain when you alone.
2.  Do what you like best.
     you can dance, sing, play football etc
3.  Delete voice messages and pictures that can bring back past memory. 
4.  Stop telling people how bad you are feeling.
5.  Don't call the player.
6.  Build your weakness into strength
7.  Smile more! 


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