Tuesday 8 May 2018


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O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?  Galatians 3:1

Paul defines foolishness as the refusal to obey a known truth due to the bewitchment (influence, manipulation or cajoling) of another person.  Since his letter was addressed to the churches in Galatia, it implies that a man may be in church, yet be said to be foolish for refusing to obey the truth.

The truth of the word of God is not hidden.  The determination to search it out and the courage to comply with it is what is lacking and that is what Paul refers to as foolishness.  It is more pathetic if the refusal to obey the word of God is as a result of influence or human manipulations.

We must be determined to know the truth through constant PERSONAL study of the bible and beyond that, have the COURAGE to obey every truth that we know.  There are several teachers with all manner of doctrines in town, as part of the signs of the end time.  We must choose not to be foolish.  We must personally search out the truth and do them.  Don’t allow further manipulation of men in your relationship with God your father.

-Pastor Sam Adebayo(BHC)

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