Tuesday 8 May 2018


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And he cometh, and findeth them sleeping, and saith unto Peter, Simon, sleepest thou? Couldest not thou watch one hour?   Mark 14:37

Three times Jesus requested Peter, James and John to watch and pray but they slept off.  Jesus was left to pray alone for the cup of death to pass over him.  When the enemies took over and arrested Jesus, Peter suddenly became active, drew his sword and cut off the ear of the servant of the High Priest.  The same Peter that could not fight for an hour in the place of prayer initiated a fight with the use of sword.  The decision of brethren could be very unrealistic at times.

Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear.  The servant’s name was Malchus.  John 18:10

I am thinking that the above scriptures are about to be repeated in Nigeria.  When Christians were supposed to sincerely pray and take charge of the affairs in Nigeria, we were all over playing with the powers that be (to show class and status), teaching different keys to this and that and involved in unholy rivalry.  Those that claimed that they prayed, we later learnt were handsomely rewarded out of tax payers resources, for praying for their dear country.  I wonder what narration will be given to such expenses in the accounts of Nigeria.  Oh God how did your church in Nigeria turn out this way?

Now that the problem stares at us like it did to Peter, some are suggesting that we should defend ourselves like Peter attempted.  The questions in my mind are:

With what am I to defend myself?  Is there plan to supply us with guns and train us to shot?

If I am not disciplined enough to pray for an hour, can I truly face the stress of war that may demand that I don’t eat or sleep for days?

Is God no longer able to defend his name and his people?

May be I do not understand the most convenient between fighting in the place of prayer (under a peaceful atmosphere with fan or air conditioner) and fighting with AK47 on the street and in the bush (inside hot sun and rain where possible without shoe).  May be I have lost my faith and allowed fear to take over my heart.  Unfortunately most of us don’t even know where to acquire guns nor have the resources to purchase one.  Anyways we are waiting for the guns they intend to supply to us before they run out of the country leaving us to fight all alone. Some of those asking us to defend ourselves have the resources to relocate a whole State abroad once the war starts but believe me they will not relocate us but only their families.

If Peter had prayed when Jesus asked him to pray, he may have been able to command legions of angels to fight when he needed to fight.  He refused to pray hence not in a position to command angels, he had to initiate a physical fight with the enemies when it finally dawn on him that Christ was to be taken from him.  The truth is that some of those that needed to pray never did.  Some did for national recognition or incentives from the politicians.  Now that we need to give words of command for heaven to fight for us, we cannot, hence they are asking us to defend ourselves. 
Why we are waiting for them to supply us with what to defend ourselves with, please let us continue to seek the face of our God in prayers, ask for mercy over Nigeria and ask God to personally take over the affairs of this nation. Let all believers arise to truly defend ourselves by obtaining Permanent Voters Card (PVC) because it will be useful in the nearest future.

Please share if you like.


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O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?  Galatians 3:1

Paul defines foolishness as the refusal to obey a known truth due to the bewitchment (influence, manipulation or cajoling) of another person.  Since his letter was addressed to the churches in Galatia, it implies that a man may be in church, yet be said to be foolish for refusing to obey the truth.

The truth of the word of God is not hidden.  The determination to search it out and the courage to comply with it is what is lacking and that is what Paul refers to as foolishness.  It is more pathetic if the refusal to obey the word of God is as a result of influence or human manipulations.

We must be determined to know the truth through constant PERSONAL study of the bible and beyond that, have the COURAGE to obey every truth that we know.  There are several teachers with all manner of doctrines in town, as part of the signs of the end time.  We must choose not to be foolish.  We must personally search out the truth and do them.  Don’t allow further manipulation of men in your relationship with God your father.

-Pastor Sam Adebayo(BHC)


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And when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto me, they gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship; that we should go unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision.  Galatians 2:9

The gospel of Christ is beyond what an individual or a group of people can handle all alone.  James, Cephas and John perceived the grace of God that was on Paul.  They gave to him and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship for them to go to the heathen.  The right hands of fellowship mean the right encouragement and the needed support.  They saw themselves as partners in the work of the kingdom, not for their pocket, not for recognition and not to be seen to be better than one another.  Human status was completely not their pursuit.

The gospel of Christ will expand faster when those that God has made to be pillars act like James, Cephas and John.  The young ministers on whose head God is releasing grace need the right hands of fellowship from the “pillars of the gospel”, that is our “fathers in faith” at various levels.  The constraint today is the desire for the one to be supported to be a “son” or “mentee” before right hands of fellowship could be extended to him.  Was Paul a “son” or “mentee” to any of James, Cephas and John, when for the sake of the gospel, they gave him and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship?  The consideration then was the “perceived grace” not a “”son in the house” or a “mentee”.

The “pillars of the gospel” of this generation should not attempt to cover everywhere all alone.  God intends to make the work go faster before the coming of Christ, that is why he is releasing grace on more vessels since the harvest is plenty but the labourers are few.

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With the right hands of fellowship more men would be encouraged in the call of God.  There are many vessels struggling with the work, not because they are not called but because the “pillars of the gospel” have refused to give the required right hands of fellowship. - Pastor Sam Adebayo(BHC)


Then said the king unto her, what wilt thou, queen Esther? And what is thy request? It shall be given thee to the half of the kingdom.  Es...