Wednesday 4 October 2017


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To be successful in Life is not only based on your qualification (upper result, Beauty, wealth, Mentor etc.)  God’s mercy is required.

Today I will be sharing with us a message delivered by Pastor Samuel Adebayo, Founder of Behold He Cometh Watchman Ministry. It is more than just a normal Sunday service message, it is what we need to know, understand so as to have a different way of thinking.
 The story of Racheal and Leah in the book of Gen. 29:10-31 makes us understand the way God works, that God is not someone that follows the human protocol. He do things the way it pleases him. Like He said in the holy book that HE WILL HAVE MERCY ON WHOM HE WILL HAVE MERCY i.e He has nothing to do with qualifications when he want to bless someone.

The book of Gen. 29:10-31 makes us understand the difference between QUALIFICATION AND MERCY.  Racheal was qualify but Leah received mercy from God.
Reason why Racheal was qualify:
1.     She was the first to meet Jacob (Gen 29:10)
2.     She was also the first person Jacob loved (Gen 29:18)
3.     She is beautiful (Gen 29:17)
4.     She is hardworking
5.     Racheal and Jacob are doing the same occupation.

In this story, it is very clear that Racheal is qualify to marry Jacob which is said to be a Handsome man, God fearing and Rich man. Jacob is a kind of man that every single ladies wants to be their Husband.  Racheal thinks qualification will get her all see want because she has everything needed to be a Good wife to Jacob. “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy” Leach, Racheal Sister that people has writing off that she can never have a good husband because she is not qualify receives mercy from God and the story change over the night.

I pray for you; everywhere people has writing 

you off, God mercy will speak for you and 

make you relevant.

When Leah Received mercy from God:
1.     She was the first person to get engage to Jacob (Gen 29:23-26)
2.     She was the first person to bear a child (Gen 29:31)
3.     Leah gave birth to four(4) sons (Gen 29:32-35)

My brothers and Sisters all you need is God’s mercy. Don’t think you have everything that you need to make you successful in life, So many people have folder filled with various certificates and had no good Job, some people have the best wedding on earth but had no fruit, so many pastors can heal the sick but live in sickness, so many people can sing good music and had no fame. All you need is God’s mercy.

I heard a story of a woman that had a bad womb when she was young and the doctor has to remove her womb. She got married with an intention of adopting a child, few months of her marriage after their honeymoon she discover that she is not feeling fine, she thought its malaria or typhoid so she went to the same doctor that remove her womb to complain of her illness, after various of test the doctor discovered the young lady that he removed her womb as had a fresh womb and she three (3) months pregnant. This is a clear example of God’s mercy. This woman gave birth to a great man of God and till today the doctor is confused.  God’s mercy will says YES when everything around you says NO.

Do you also remember the story of this beautiful girl, Kechi Okwuchi that escape death in a plane crash and is now among the America Got Talent (AGT) Finalist?


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