Sunday 17 September 2017

INFORMATION - Message From Pastor Mike Dunamis

Information put your life in a winning formation. The level of the information you have determine;
·         1.        Your opportunity
·         2.   Value (your usefulness)
·         3.       Your worth
·        4.         The size of your pocket
·         5.    Command + position of authority

Never say you don’t know you must always have an idea, the idea you have creates the future you desire. Take time to build your information bank. Pay every conscious effect to be informed.
Social network is not for hanging out with friends only, make vital use of network, SEARCH, DISCOVER and KNOW.
OPPORTUNITY (Ecclesiastes 9:11 kjv)
“I have seen something else under the sun, the race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong nor does food come to the wise or favour to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all.
Opportunity gives light to your vision and ignite your passion. It gives you a chance to show what you have, your talent and gift, your dexterity.”
Opportunity gives you a chance to display. Bishop Oyedepo confirm in one of his writing that opportunity abound everywhere, but mankind is so blind that they cannot see it, because they are not informed.

1.       Association
2.       Communication
3.       Humility

Be a man of sincerity of heart and purity of mind, be a noble, submit to everyman, be a man/woman of simplicity, be simple to everyman to talk and associate with, smile, Laugh, help someone in need, be there for someone, be useful, be dependable,  be trustworthy, never loose your integrity to any situation.
Every Humble Man will never lack a man to help them.
Humility draws men to you, it make people love you, it grant you favour before everyman, it makes God loves you.

·         Advantages in the key to advancement, when you never take advantage of opportunities, you may always be a disadvantage.
·         Frustration is a major factor of failure, but when you are familiar with faith, you will be far from failure.
·         Self-discipline comes with self-denial, you can’t be truly discipline until you denial yourself of self-desire.

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