Thursday 4 April 2019


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Then said the king unto her, what wilt thou, queen Esther? And what is thy request? It shall be given thee to the half of the kingdom.  Esther 5:3

King Ahasuerus pledged to give to Esther whatever she wanted up to half of his kingdom.  He made the promise in his capacity as the king with authority that cannot be challenged by anyone.  If he pronounces half of the kingdom released to Esther, no one would have questioned him.

Esther 1:1-8 gives a picture of the wealth of King Ahasuerus.  If Esther, a formal slave girl was given half of the kingdom, her destiny would have experienced glorious transformation.

And he sware unto her whatsoever thou shalt ask of me, I will give it thee, unto the half of my kingdom.  Mark 6:23

That also was the word of King Herod to his young daughter that danced before him.  He made the promise and had the power to fulfill it in his capacity as the king.

Ahasuerus and Herod made the promise in their capacity as kings.  We do not doubt their ability to deliver since no one would dare stand against their decision.  We are also sure that if given, the destiny of the one that got half of the kingdom would permanently be transformed.  Let us ask ourselves, what transformation should we expect of a man that the Lord blesses in his capacity as the maker of heaven and the earth?

I wish you can ask the Lord to bless you in his capacity as the God of the universe.  If he does, no one will be able to stop it and then you will experience a glorious transformation.

We should however note that Esther was the queen to king Ahasuerus while the promise of King Herod was to his daughter.  The promise of half of their kingdom was to the one with whom they had wonderful relationship.  If you prayed for God to bless you in his capacity, we should ask if you have relationship with him to deserve such release.


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And she brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.  Luke 2:7

By the experience of Mary, it is obvious that it is not everyone that will have access to the “inn” of life.  The “inn” here represents comfort while the “manger” represents deplorable conditions.  Those that do not have the opportunity to the “inn” must also survive.  People improvise to ensure survival at all cost.  Such was the experience of Mary who made do with the manger because there was no room for her in the inn.  It is therefore not a good thing for those in the “inn” to see those in the “manger” as fools or not intelligent.  Circumstance beyond the control of many led them to the “manger”.  If they are given the opportunity, they will prefer to be in the “inn”.

The birth of Jesus in the manger reveals the deplorable situation to which so many people are subjected.  We see around us most people living in situations that can best be described as manger.  They give birth there, live and earn a living there.  Some are privileged to survive while some are not so lucky.

I do not dispute the fact that God may have decided that Jesus comes through such a humble manner.  My concern is for those whose situation seems permanent in the manger, that is, those that lives below the minimum standard of living.  Though Jesus came through the manger and yet fulfilled his destiny, how many of those having manger experience around us are fulfilling their God’s given destiny?

I want to encourage everyone reading this to refocus attention on those that Jesus used his coming to identify and sympathize with, that is, those in the manger.  Those that give birth under deplorable conditions, for lack of fund to seek proper health care.  Those not sure of where their next meal will come from.  Those displaced by war and/or disasters and others under all forms of deplorable conditions.

Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the LORD will deliver him in time of trouble.  The LORD will preserve him, and keep him alive: and he shall be blessed upon the earth: and thou will not deliver him unto the will of his enemies.  The LORD will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing: thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness.  Psalm 41:1-3.

Thursday 14 February 2019


Dracts Innovative will be all out to help and support the less privileged.
Dracts will make youth without DREAM to DREAM and make youth with DREAM to ACT and to help the youth that are putting in their best into archiving success to SHINE.
No matter your age, you can still be successful. I was shock when i heard the testimony of the founder of KFC that became successful at the age of 65 wow. DON’T GIVE UP.
I have seen people that become success with a capital of 5,000 Naira.
Dracts Innovative will be all out to encourage people that have lost hope, that if there’s no sun a wet cloth will still dry.
People use to tell me that am stupid for giving out the little i have to bless life, but this is my testimony; since i started giving I have never experience shame, all close doors are always open when i need them to open and God as never forsake me.
Come and lets make the world a better place to leave in and a better place for the coming generation.

Friday 11 January 2019

Sowore, Atiku and Buhari 2019 presidential battle.

I don't really like talking about politics, but I think  NOW is the right time to talk more about it.
Am surprised with way  99% of Nigerians are talking about President Buhari and Atiku. They make it looks as if we have only two(2) parties. 

I try to think of what Buhari and Atiku have to offer Nigerians, the only thing I found out is that  if either of them becomes the president of Nigeria, Nigeria will still be a worst country.
If Atiku has something good to offer Nigeria, we could have felt it during his eight(8) years of being the vice president to former president of Nigeria, President Olusegun Obasanjo and President M Buhari that promise change has show Nigerians what he meant with the word CHANGE in his 2015 presidential campaign. Bad Governance, No Jobs, Killing of innocent people etc .

Please fellow Nigerians Both Old and Young, I will like us to stepup and forget about political parties and vote for  personality that will give Nigerians what they lack. Am tied of seeing Nigeria being ruled by old people that knows nothing about the 21st century developement. I will like us to vote for an intelligent and self-motivated youth that knows what development really means.

Have being going through some online posts and votes on the youth Nigerians want to be president,
I found out that The Sahara Reporter, Omoyele Sowore always win with big margin.
so I started following up with  Omoyele and discover how much he loves his country and how much has to offer the masses.

Fellow Nigerians I have nothing much to say than to tell you to Vote  Omoyele Sowore or expect another four(4) years in hell.
Thank you.
with the ooni of ife


Wednesday 19 December 2018

Quality LIVING !

Quality LIVING !
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Living is intentional...deliberate and depending on the resources of wisdom available to you, it could be strategic...While it's true that there 24hours in a day we can't lay claim that all the 24hours is engaged in things productive to us or the kingdom.(Matthew 6:33).. And obviously the year takes the summation and the direction of these 24 hours.
In 1samuel 17:25 - 27.. We saw an unusual Davidic transaction asking for the right to engage Goliath who was a national threat in Israel as at that time... On proper distillate of his confidence we saw that he had engaged victoriously through God the lesser editions of threat to the welfare of his very owns...the bear and the lion...while we have a generation so crazy for visibility... I really don't think we are equally painstaking in doing the unseen, uncelebrated and unrewarded well... We have forgotten that God rewards openly faithful transactions in the place called secret Matthew 6:18
This omission makes us a prophetic doughnut...with no real substance and essence in the centre of our impressions...there is never a substitute for track record when it comes to realm of the spirit which is the real realm 2corithians4:18...Once the destination is specific then the journey to it must be...
Saul who was a senior warrior discover the potency of this quality i mean the track record...he ascertained the authenticity and he couldn't but allow the young lad he what he first perceived to be suicide..what made the difference in perspectives is his "been throughs" that were unseen and uncelebrated...Our calling is to be faithful in what, when and with the revealed hows not to be celebs...faithfulness can surely bring visibility but not the the highest ranking in quality life motivations.
God bless you and cause his face transmission to infuse you with sufficient grace(numbers 6:25)...receive strength for an extra ordinary...superlative..quality living...a fake life is a punishment.
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Tuesday 18 December 2018

Don't Break your Heart

He Break my Heart...
She Break my Heart...

Listen to me friend, your heart belong to you and it need to be guided.
Emotional downfall kills more than AID.
Don't ever put 100% hope into a relationship. Relationship is like black market, its may be good and maybe bad. I like the saying DO YOUR BEST AND LEAVE THE REST.

Tell yourself these words;  am complete, I don't need anybody to complete me.

The more you realize you are complete, the more you escape heart broke. 
love yourself and enjoy living.
You will only feel bad when you see people as Alpha and Omega.

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Believe in your ability and never stop working to achieve success in life, you will find your self on a level that you will have lots of options to pick from.

 when someone you love choose to leave;
1.  Don't stay in a boring environment.
     you will feel much pain when you alone.
2.  Do what you like best.
     you can dance, sing, play football etc
3.  Delete voice messages and pictures that can bring back past memory. 
4.  Stop telling people how bad you are feeling.
5.  Don't call the player.
6.  Build your weakness into strength
7.  Smile more! 


Tuesday 13 November 2018


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Bethesda pool had the following shortcomings:

Its healing was seasonal.  It did not reflect the capacity of God to heal all the time.  The people beside it remained in pains until another season when the angel went down to stir the pool. In the name of Jesus and by the healing power in his blood, we don’t have to wait any longer in pains.

It accommodated an individual per time, instead of several people being healed by the power of God at the same time as we have it today.

An angel went down at a certain season to stir the pool as against several medium such as praise, prayer, word of God, anointing and communion now available to us to access the healing power of God.

It was in Jerusalem not in all the cities of the world, hence limited in scope and coverage.  Must a man travel long distance to be touched and healed by the Lord of the universe that is omnipresent?

It gave room for unhealthy competition and enmity within the impotent folks around the pool as each attempted to enter the pool before others.  The blood of Jesus cancelled such unhealthy competition because we can access healing individually right in the comfort of our homes.

There was no special consideration for those that had no one to help them into the pool.  No sympathy for anyone that stayed for years as a result of not having anyone to assist him into the pool.

As a result of the above shortcomings, several impotent folks spent endless years by the pool.  The case of several folks became hopeless and only God knows how many of them died waiting.  

The case of a particular man that Jesus took up lent credence to the fact that the pool had no consideration for those without anyone to help.  The man lamented to Jesus that he had no man to help him into the pool as a result of which he had stayed beside the pool for years, as noticed by Jesus himself. 

Jesus did not comment on what the man said since he knew that the man was right in his observation and that the pool was going to become history shortly.  He knew that his blood was to soon replace the pool and would be accessible to everyone irrespective of location.  He knew that his blood will deal with all known and unknown shortcomings associated with the pool.

God knew that what the impotent man said was valid, hence completely cancelled the pool with its associated shortcomings.  He gave the blood of his son Jesus Christ as the new pool with better covenant and conveniences.  All that is required of anyone that wants healing is to believe in the name of Christ and the power of his blood to heal completely.  

As you read this, the power of God is available where you are to heal you of all infirmities.  I declare you healed in Jesus mighty name.  Just believe and you shall see the glory of God. John 11:40, Mark 9:23, Mark 11:23-24.


Then said the king unto her, what wilt thou, queen Esther? And what is thy request? It shall be given thee to the half of the kingdom.  Es...