Thursday 14 February 2019


Dracts Innovative will be all out to help and support the less privileged.
Dracts will make youth without DREAM to DREAM and make youth with DREAM to ACT and to help the youth that are putting in their best into archiving success to SHINE.
No matter your age, you can still be successful. I was shock when i heard the testimony of the founder of KFC that became successful at the age of 65 wow. DON’T GIVE UP.
I have seen people that become success with a capital of 5,000 Naira.
Dracts Innovative will be all out to encourage people that have lost hope, that if there’s no sun a wet cloth will still dry.
People use to tell me that am stupid for giving out the little i have to bless life, but this is my testimony; since i started giving I have never experience shame, all close doors are always open when i need them to open and God as never forsake me.
Come and lets make the world a better place to leave in and a better place for the coming generation.


Then said the king unto her, what wilt thou, queen Esther? And what is thy request? It shall be given thee to the half of the kingdom.  Es...