Tuesday 13 November 2018


Image result for bethesda pool

Bethesda pool had the following shortcomings:

Its healing was seasonal.  It did not reflect the capacity of God to heal all the time.  The people beside it remained in pains until another season when the angel went down to stir the pool. In the name of Jesus and by the healing power in his blood, we don’t have to wait any longer in pains.

It accommodated an individual per time, instead of several people being healed by the power of God at the same time as we have it today.

An angel went down at a certain season to stir the pool as against several medium such as praise, prayer, word of God, anointing and communion now available to us to access the healing power of God.

It was in Jerusalem not in all the cities of the world, hence limited in scope and coverage.  Must a man travel long distance to be touched and healed by the Lord of the universe that is omnipresent?

It gave room for unhealthy competition and enmity within the impotent folks around the pool as each attempted to enter the pool before others.  The blood of Jesus cancelled such unhealthy competition because we can access healing individually right in the comfort of our homes.

There was no special consideration for those that had no one to help them into the pool.  No sympathy for anyone that stayed for years as a result of not having anyone to assist him into the pool.

As a result of the above shortcomings, several impotent folks spent endless years by the pool.  The case of several folks became hopeless and only God knows how many of them died waiting.  

The case of a particular man that Jesus took up lent credence to the fact that the pool had no consideration for those without anyone to help.  The man lamented to Jesus that he had no man to help him into the pool as a result of which he had stayed beside the pool for years, as noticed by Jesus himself. 

Jesus did not comment on what the man said since he knew that the man was right in his observation and that the pool was going to become history shortly.  He knew that his blood was to soon replace the pool and would be accessible to everyone irrespective of location.  He knew that his blood will deal with all known and unknown shortcomings associated with the pool.

God knew that what the impotent man said was valid, hence completely cancelled the pool with its associated shortcomings.  He gave the blood of his son Jesus Christ as the new pool with better covenant and conveniences.  All that is required of anyone that wants healing is to believe in the name of Christ and the power of his blood to heal completely.  

As you read this, the power of God is available where you are to heal you of all infirmities.  I declare you healed in Jesus mighty name.  Just believe and you shall see the glory of God. John 11:40, Mark 9:23, Mark 11:23-24.


Then said the king unto her, what wilt thou, queen Esther? And what is thy request? It shall be given thee to the half of the kingdom.  Es...