Monday 30 July 2018



Realize that every time you get really upset, its make you tied, messes with your health and doesn’t change one thing.
You have a choice to either stay calm or get worked out, God is working in you, so just concentrate on your relationship with Him and He ‘ll take care of the rest.

·       Immediately increase your level of peace
·       Don’t allow others to steal  your joy
·       Choose to see the positive side of every situation
·       Experience the fruit of the spirit; love, Joy, Peace, Patience etc.
There are going to be moments when people get under your skin, a situation goes wrong. Or you receive bad news. You don’t have to let them get to you.
You have the peace of Jesus to help you. So sit back, relax and soak up all the peace he gives.
·       Let go
·       Breathe
·       Loosen up
·       Chew slowly
·       Enjoy the journey
·       Stop demanding perfection of yourself
·       Practice patience every day.

Wednesday 25 July 2018


Dear Friend, I know that you are intelligent, Rich and famous, but I have a question for you.
Why do you;
·         Lie to make wealth
·         Steal to live in abundance
·         Hate your brother because his more famous
·         Sleep around with lecturers so as to have good grade
·         Hate the Bible and like Porn magazines
·         Prefers to be in an highlife club than to be in a Church
·         Preach against Christ (Antichrist).

My Friend, do you know that “He that soweth iniquity shall reap vanity…” (Prov 22:8 kjv). Every ungodly act will end with a regret but doing the will of God buy seeking first His Kingdom, giving to people in need because he that oppressed the poor to increase His riches and he that gives to rich, shall come to want (prov 22:16 kjv) and by preaching the true message of Christ, you are going to reign with Christ forever.
        My friend, how long will you turn God’s glory to shame? How long will you love delusion and seek false gods? (psm 4:2 NIV) the answer should be that you will STOP NOW!
You are of God not of the Devil, the devil is a thief and a thief cometh not but to steal, kill and destroy; but God come that you might have life and that might have it more abundantly (john 10:10).

      Finally, my friend, for what is man profited, if He shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (matt. 16:26 kjv).
“Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.” (James 5:8 kjv) Jesus Loves You 

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
  All other ground is sinking sand.


Then said the king unto her, what wilt thou, queen Esther? And what is thy request? It shall be given thee to the half of the kingdom.  Es...